Construction of a new industrial building by Lindum for use as a HGV/bus servicing centre and includes drive through workshop bays, parts store, MOT testing facility and further office accommodation.
The building is a steel portal frame on a traditional concrete foundation. Underfloor heating is provided to the slab and the external walls are primarily cladded, but an element of curtain walling is present to the office area. Roof and walls were internally within the wash bay area.
Photovoltaic cells were incorporated in this project to provide a renewable energy source.
Roof system used was Tata Panels and Profiles Trisomet composite roof panel with Brett Martin triple skin GRP rooflights.
For the walls we used Tata Panels and Profiles Trisomet and TrimaPanel architectural composite wall panel systems.
Key Suppliers: Tata Panels and Profiles, Brett Martin, SFS Intec.